Jun 29, 2010


I saw in the mirror today that I have one eyelash left! One stubborn, determined eyelash on my right eye, upper lid. I seem to have continued losing eyelashes and eyebrows even after chemo stopped. I guess it takes a while for some of my components to get the message that the assault has ended. Oh, well, I feel much better and that's what counts.

I met my new, temporary favorite person last night. David and I were at the mall.
(This happens from time to time. This time we were on his once-every-two-years shoe buying mission.) While he was in the check out line, I wandered over to the lingerie department to look at minus a-cup bras when a very nice lady stopped and asked if I was a cancer survivor. Turns out she was too. Thirteen years from breast cancer. We were chatting about treatments and surgeries when she mentioned that things are a little different for someone as young as me - "mid-thirties?". This is why she's my temporary new favorite person. Because I am a lifetime older than that at 53!

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