So, ten radiation treatments done; 15 to go. They are very easy now. Actually, except for the social aspect, they are kind of boring. Arrive; change into a gown; wait; go to the treatment room; climb up on the treatment table; assume the position; therapists check table position and leave the room; first treatment - radiate radiate radiate radiate; therapists return to set up next position; second treatment - radiate radiate radiate radiate; set up for third position; third treatment - radiate radiate radiate radiate; position for last treatment; radiate radiate radiate radiate! The treatment takes about 20 minutes. I usually fall asleep. When not asleep, I visualize; usually the sun beaming down on a tree canopy, bringing life. Seems powerful.
I do get to meet new people who are experiencing the same thing. I spend time in the waiting room, visiting with new friends that I see every day who have the time slot before and after me. I guess it's the shared experience. We are becoming close and I'll miss them when I'm done!