Yesterday was the Fourth of July. We went to see the neighborhood fireworks in the evening. We love these fireworks and have gone to see them every year for quite a while now. It's not a long drive, there isn't much traffic to deal with and, best of all, you're up close so you can lay on a blanket and look up and the fireworks explode right over you in the sky.
As we walked across the school fields, I remembered that I was bald at last year's fireworks.
It's amazing the difference a year makes. Now I have hair, and cancer is starting to seem more like a memory and less like a daily reality.
I had a PET/CT scan today. Nothing's wrong - it was just a follow-up. There is still a small (very small) amount of anxiety about the result but I'm confident that the cancer is gone. Last month, I saw a plastic surgeon. He specializes in breast reconstruction after mastectomy. One of the questions I had for him was about recurrence. Of the cancer. I asked what would happen to my new chest if I had a recurrence. He said that it would depend on where the tumor was located. He also said - and this is so great - that I probably wouldn't have a recurrence. He knows what treatments I've had. He said that women who get all the things they threw at me usually didn't get recurrences. Oh, boy, was I happy to hear him say that!