Right now, my house is filled with Christmas goodies of all kinds. Homemade cookies, chocolate Santa's, peanut butter cups, Chinese food leftovers and a pumpkin pie.

As soon as we eat our way through it all, it's diet and exercise time again. I know - I should just throw most of it out but that seems so wasteful. Especially the homemade cookies and peanut butter cups! And, David's thrifty upbringing doesn't allow him to waste anything (mostly a plus but our overflowing closets and file cabinets could use a good purging).
Starting a get-healthy program will be great for my self-esteem, my heart and my energy level. But, even more importantly, it may help me fight off a breast cancer recurrence. I've been reading lately about how regular exercise can help lower a women's risk for getting breast cancer. Even women who have already had it can better avoid another bout by being active. Here's a link to an article from the National Cancer Institute if you need some inspiration:
Note especially question number 5. If you live in Baltimore and would like a workout buddy, I'm your girl!