Apr 1, 2010

Down the Hole Again

It's really hard to be positive all the time. I've learned that a good attitude helps with any situation. Sometimes there's a lapse, though. In my job, I see lots of cancer patients. Today, I met a lovely, lovely lady who was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. She went through the entire drill at that time. Chemo, surgery, radiation. She was getting a scan today because of some pain in the opposite armpit. I can't quite descibe how I felt when I saw her scan this afternoon. She had lots of cancer growing on the other side now. Oh, damn. Oh, damn. Oh, damn...


  1. As if it's not enough for the cancer to invade, wipe you out, try your good will and patience, and force you to chase it out with all the awful chemicals and radiation... it can come back. Hang in there!

  2. What I mean by that is it's NOT FAIR. Not at all. :-(
