May 18, 2010


I gained 6 pounds in one week! Yikes! At this rate I'll be another 12 pounds heavier by the time chemotherapy is over. My darling nurse Diana tells me the weight gain is due to the massive amount of Decadron (steroid) that I am given each week to mitigate the side effects from the chemo. I have seen people gain weight on steroids, lots of weight.  But in my secret heart I know that my getting larger is also due to my attitude. The attitude that says "Hey, I have Cancer! I'll eat whatever I want!" So, it's time now to drop that attitude. Time to rein myself in and eat much, much better. David will like the change. He's been trying to lose a few pounds. Having an eating machine around the house is definitely not helpful for David. Besides, not even the 'comfy for chemo' clothes I bought on the cheap a few months ago still fit!

But, hey, the really important thing isn't my increasing weight. The important thing is that the cancer is no longer in evidence! Those darn tumors are on the run! I will win whether fat or thin!

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