Feb 18, 2010

The Night Before

So, I'm sitting here at quarter past eleven stuffing my face! Tomorrow, and for 5-6 days after, I won't be able to eat whatever I want so I'm enjoying the last moments of indulgence. But, oh, WAH! I sound like such a baby, worried about not eating everything in sight! I have real things to dread and real things to celebrate. First, the dreaded part, just to get the whining out of the way: Tomorrow will be perhaps the worst chemo I'll ever have. It's the very last really nasty one with Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Last week, when I was still feeling bad from the last one, I cried every time I thought about having to do this again this week! Please don't drag me down to the dungeon again! I do feel a bit more ready to run the gaunlet again now, though. Now that I'm back to normal and feeling strong, I can take anything they throw at me! Especially with the great finding this week, which brings me to the thing to celebrate.
Earlier, I wrote about not being able to feel the lump in my armpit. Well, I saw the oncologist today. After she examined me, she said "Jane, I want to make sure that you come in for your treatment tomorrow. The lesion is gone - sometimes my patients decide not to come back". She confirmed my own findings! The doctor even said it!! I told her that there was nothing that could keep me from the rest of the treatments. Bring it on! Let's stomp on every last one of those cancer cells!
There's one more thing to celebrate. It's the thing that I celebrate all the time now. It's the thing that amazes me and humbles me and makes me cry (in a good way). It's all the love, concern, prayers and good thoughts that are being sent my way. It's truly awesome! Life is beautiful and so are my friends and family! Thank you, thank you, thank you...


  1. yes! yes! yes! Keep going back!


  2. Donna, Steve, and ParkerFebruary 19, 2010 at 8:09 AM

    Reading your blog brought tears to me eyes. You are so brave and have such a wonderful outlook, it is inspiring. We are so happy to hear the great news!!! Let us know if there is anything you need.
